fun with lightbox (and booze!)

I visited Emily in Philadelphia last weekend — conveniently enough, she and her neighbors had all decided to throw a party on Saturday. The apartments all adjoin a nice brick courtyard, providing a pretty prime party location. The food was great, the booze was plentiful, and talk eventually turned to the the Flickr API and how to use microcontrollers to train cats to use the toilet (this was not a theoretical conversation). And there was mulled cider. C’mon, admit it: that’s pretty good.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. And as you might imagine, there are pictures. But I wouldn’t be doing justice to a party at which I discussed the Flickr API with multiple people if I didn’t do something weird with the photoset. So check it out: I’ve written a handy wrapper function in PHP that lets me quickly generate thumbnail galleries. Even better, they make use of the excellent Lightbox2 project. Go ahead — click on one of the thumbnails for web 2.0-y goodness. It works pretty well for me, although to exit picture-viewing mode I seem to have to click above or below the photo — clicking to its right or left seems relatively flakey.

UPDATE: Replaced my own code with a WP plugin after moving from MT.

4 Responses to “fun with lightbox (and booze!)”

  1. This is way cool. However, it doesn’t seem to work right all the time. Half the time I click a photo and just get a new window with that photo. The other half, I click a photo and the blog fades into the background and the photo opens up “on top” of it. But then there’s no way to get back to the blog. Weird. But cool!

  2. Scratch that, I was clicking ont he left and right of the photo. Me read good one day.

  3. caralyn says:

    wow, your girlfriend is really into me.

  4. [...] uploading (but then it turned out to be a network proxy problem) and then realizing that my Flickr/Lightbox gallery script didn’t make it past the move to WordPress, and considering writing a WP plugin to fix it but [...]

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