woe is wii

I was really hoping to have an embarrassing flash video for you. It was going to be of Charles and me, gesticulating wildly in front of the TV as we gleefully played with his new Nintendo Wii.
But no dice. We tried Toys R Us, we browsed Best Buy, we searched Circuit City and we trolled Target. Oh, and Charles called Costco. It’s sold out everywhere. If I hadn’t had quite such an exciting Saturday night — writing CSS till 3amWOOOO! — I might’ve gotten up early and stood in line with the other dorks and managed to get my hands on one of the just-released consoles. But I did, so I didn’t, and I couldn’t.
But it’ll be okay. Word on the interstreet is that most stores will be getting another shipment by Tuesday (if not earlier). And although the online options are also sold out, the situation is well in hand. Thanksgiving! I think that’s a reasonable goal.

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