progressing with processing

I've got a couple of projects in the works centering around novel interfaces — specifically, some hijinks with Asterisk and my poor, neglected Arduino. The only problem with this is that it means I have to have something to interface with. Drat.

So, to resolve this issue I went ahead and wrote an implementation of Tetris in Processing. Since that's kind of boring, I spent some additional time (okay, a lot of additional time) rewriting my one original contribution to the field of Tetrology: a fancy sinusoidal effect that I came up with in high school (let's hear it for Pascal!). I hope you'll find it as confusing as I do.

Of course, based on early reports from my expert beta testers, there's a fairly decent chance that this will crash your browser. If it already has, uh, sorry. I'm sure you'll take comfort in the fact that it runs fine on my machines.

UPDATE: That's enough browser crashing for one day. I've moved the applet below the fold so that this website doesn't mean instant death for affected users. It's weird that this is happening — I don't think I'm doing anything too exotic. And I'd expect Processing to protect me from causing these kinds of crashes (and expect the Java VM, upon which it's based, to offer further protection). I guess that's not the case. Well, maybe a future release of Processing will produce better results. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I'm dizzy. Though it didn't crash my browser (safari, as a firefox crash would be rather inconvenient right now), which was nice. It also changes to blue after a while...I'm just going to consider that a level-up.

Also: totally rigged. The same pieces seemed to come in waves, thus leaving me high and dry without the long skinny piece I so desperately needed at the end.


Did the whole screen turn blue, or the pieces? If the latter, it was intentional. Or rather, some kind of color change was -- it's random after the initial orange.

But yeah, it seems to me like the pieces come at particularly unfortunate times, too. I think it's just the absense of a next-piece window.


Yeah, it was just the pieces that changed.

I'm kind of tempted to go break out my old Game Boy now...


Works for me in firefox.


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