getting presents is sort of like wealth redistribution, I guess

replica rolexes on indymedia

It’s a fascinating thesis. But what’s the Marxist take on replica Rolexes as Christmas gifts?

I really, really don’t understand why Indymedia exists. If they has some sort of editorial staff that cultivated, screened and ran leftist essays and reporting, that’d be one thing. But they seem to just take random crap from anybody and throw it up on the site — I recall one recent post from Indymedia DC accusing Google of having nothing to do with the internet (they’re actually a narcotics cartel, see…) and another that consisted solely of a rambling apology to the author’s AA sponsor. Hilariously, Wikipedia cites the DC chapter as one of the more regimented within the organization. I keep my RSS subscription because the local media doesn’t bother to provide notice of upcoming protests, which, given warning, are frequently an avoidable inconvenience. But other than that, DC Indymedia seems hilariously useless.

I’m left to conclude that the only other function they serve is to lower the barriers that prevent dopes from publishing things on the internet. Which, if you haven’t noticed, aren’t particularly high to begin with. I can’t believe that governments bother to seize these guys’ servers.

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