get got

Why yes, I do enjoy being a small-minded jerk:

typo in Time

I mostly just like this because it makes me feel better about the many times when a typo of mine has made it onto DCist. Also, it provided a handy excuse to put Photoshop CS3 through the paces (Review: it works! But it doesn’t use the right style of brush cursor when you’re zoomed in.).

4 Responses to “get got”

  1. the g says:

    They’re no Capitol File, but Time is always full of typos. In the last issue (or maybe the one before that), they published an article on that “Ashley X” girl, who is 9. The very large caption and pull quote then identified her “Ashley as an infant in 1988.”

  2. The Goo says:

    It really comforts me to know I’m not the only one with this sickness. Peruse the “Goings On About Town” Section of the New Yorker and you’ll usually find one or two good ones.

  3. Terrance says:

    I love it when I find a typo in a book or article I’m reading. Mainly because it’s reassuring to know I’m not the only person in the world who’s not perfect. ;-)

  4. sam says:

    Hey Tom,
    Could you check out our blog and let me know if you have any ideas regarding my illustrator post.

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