I almost forgot: be sure to check out the new Ted Leo track over at YANP. Shake The Sheets was a little disappointing to me, but this track takes me right back to 2004. It reminds me of watching Ted carom around the stage at Fort Reno, contained only by the venue’s curfew, the peacefulness of the summer night and whatever little constraint his curly guitar cord afforded.

2 Responses to “TLRx”

  1. tom says:

    just ignore this — it’s a test comment to make sure that MT-Akismet hasn’t completely screwed up the system.

  2. I interviewed Ted Leo once, at the 2005 Iraq protest show on the Mall. Goddamn if he wasn’t a tremendously thoughtful individual. As we were wrapping up, I mentioned that I loved his much-maligned first solo record, and Ted, somewhat stunned that a New Republic reporter might say that, rubbed his forehead and said that meant a lot to him. (I should have mentioned that I still love “8 a.m. All Day” & “Set You Free.”)
    Also, much credit to Ted for wearing a Conflict shirt. There’s not enough peace-punk appreciation happening in indie rock; and that’s why I proudly rock a Discharge shirt myself. The song isn’t bad either.

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