
Saturday night was astoundingly great. Earlier in the week Josh asked me if I might like to dress up like a superhero and stand around an Arlington TV studio for a few hours. Clearly the answer was yes.

So two nights ago Emily and I joined Josh and Lindsay at Galaxy Hut before heading a few doors down to channel 69 to be extras in the next episode of Defenders of Stan.

Getting a bunch of people dressed up like superheroes is an excellent way to start an evening. And Arlington’s small-world tendencies made the evening even better: Hemal and her sister Payal were there, and I was pleasantly surprised to see HT in a jaunty cape — I’ve known the guy off and on since taking computer classes at the Career Center together, where he and I acquired the advanced Applesoft BASIC skills that eventually led him to work with my friend Jon. Like I said, Arlington’s a small world. A small, inbred world.

The shoot was pretty fun, particularly since Josh made an in-costume run to Whole Foods for beer. After things wrapped up we tried to head back to Galaxy Hut, but they looked a little crowded and were charging a cover. So Josh continued his streak of real-life heroism and drove us all into the city to meet up with folks at Townhouse. I stopped taking photos at that point; Kriston’s photostream picks up the story from there.

But here are the shots I did get:

2 Responses to “superheroics”

  1. mike d says:

    That link to the Legwarmers brought up a couple of faces I haven’t seen in a decade… I think I’ve still got a Decepticonz tape around here somewhere…

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