Sue signs off. This is entirely unacceptable. I can deal with blogospheric neglect, but not its formalization. But if this is the way it’s going to be, I’ll at least console myself by indulging in a blogubituary.
Out of everyone in our little corner of the internet, I’d say that Susan managed to get closest to the dignified end of the quality–quantity continuum. But that’s not to imply that I think we’re playing in a zero-sum game, or on a level field. Do the math and you’ll see that Sue could have pretty clearly become an blogospheric titan if only she’d cared to. But reading her site always left me feeling like she was writing it more out of an obligation to her talents than because she loved the medium (and the egocentric gratification it provides). She seemed like some foreign basketball prodigy swept out of rural obscurity and compelled to play a game that her heart wasn’t in. If that analogy seems strained, consider that Susan is in fact quite tall.
I remain optimistic that this departure isn’t permanent, or is perhaps just being made in favor of more pseudonymous pastures. Either way, do yourself a favor and go page through some archives.