miracle financial and verizon wireless are scumbags

I got an EVDO card for a long weekend from Verizon, then returned it. “You’ll be prorated,” I was assured. I wasn’t, and instead got charged a full month’s fees for 4 days’ worth of use.

I thought I’d paid it anyway, but maybe not. Either way, I eventually got a message from “Miracle Financial”. I returned their call and left a message asking for them to call me back and let me know what they were calling about. I had also gotten a call from another financial company on the same night, but that one was looking for someone else. I figured that some predatory lending agency had gotten my number on an industry-wide spam list, so after doing my part for our new game of phone tag I didn’t think much else about it.

The next call I got was today, and came from an abusive gentleman who refused to let me leave the conversation in order to call Verizon. Instead he started yelling about my credit report (as if a $70 outstanding balance was going to put that dreamhouse of mine out of reach). “We’ll be calling you for seven years!” he bellowed, which didn’t make an awful lot of sense — I think the number comes from the years until an offense goes off your credit report, but who knows. I assume he does this all the time, so it must work despite the complete lack of sense.

I’m disinclined to feed money directly to people who call me up to yell at me, so I hung up on him and called Verizon. A maze of prompts later I get a human being, who told me that I couldn’t talk to them about the issue — I’d have to talk to the collection guys. Of course, the collection guy had already told me that I can’t talk to them about the incorrect charge, either. I just need to pay up, preferably by directly giving my credit card number to some lout who had called me out of the blue.

So I cut them a check. What else could I do? If a company decides you owe them money, they can simply refuse to listen to you or correct their mistake. Instead they’ll pay some professional dickhead in Massachusetts to harass you by telephone until you give up. If that fails they’ll tell every other corporation how terrible you are. Unless you’re a lawyer with a lot of free time, there’s not much you can do about it.

I remember many still, sunny Sunday mornings at UVA when the perfect awfulness of my hangover was wrenched into consciousness by an angry collections call. Not for me, of course — I’m actually surprisingly good at paying my bills, despite only opening my mail once a month or so. Instead it was for the people who had the phone number before me. They would tell me not to deny that I was [name other than my own], and strongly encourage me to settle my outstanding debt immediately. And they’d do with the same prerecorded call every time. I eventually had to track down the company responsible, call during business hours and politely ask them to shut the fuck up. To their credit, they did. Still, you have to wonder about what would drive someone into a career of professional unpleasantness.

Anyway, it’s a lousy thing to have happen in the middle of your day, and all the more infuriating because these jerks don’t even have a web presence for me to sheepishly submit my payment to — instead I had to speak to an actual person. I still refused to do anything other than mail them a check, but that didn’t make me feel much better. Will polluting their nonexistent Google ranking help? Nah, probably not. But dammit, I have to try.

74 Responses to “miracle financial and verizon wireless are scumbags”

  1. John says:

    Hey guys I had a cell phone bill that was 400 dollars, I got a letter in the mail from this company and called them the same day, paid half that day and the other have 2 days later, I talked with Susie and she was not rude to me ( lucky I guess ) I paid with my debit card, I got a confirmation number saying it was paid in full and ask about some kind of letter saying I paid it, she said I would get a letter saying my debt was paid in full in 10-15 buiniess days is this true? if not and these fuckers want to take more of my money well me and my deadly ladies Shelly and Sharlene are going to for my letter! :D Anyone know if I will get a letter in 10-15 days saying I paid this?

  2. John says:

    Hey guys I got my letter saying closed account paid in full today, these people have done me no harm so far, but god spare them of my wrath if they ever did….

  3. Tim says:

    They have not followed the law that states that you can request that they do not contact you again and they cannot.
    I have written to them saying that they must not contact me again twice now. I bet that they will try to contact me again and again.
    Verizon may have terrific coverage but they have insanely bad public policy. I had a backup phone I got on ebay so when my regular phone crapped out (which it did often), I would not be left in the cold. It worked fine, so I did not activate the warranty phone they sent me. I did send the crashed phone to Verizon within the 10 days allowed. Then they tried to charge me for the broken phone for months. I’d go through hell trying to sort it out with them and then when I thought I had succeeded they dropped my service. I went directly to another provider and got a plan without any contract.
    Through an FCC complaint I filed, I learned that they based the bad bill on their assumption that because I did not activate the warranty phone, I must have kept the old one. The lesson I learned, never enter into a contract with these corporations and their millions of minions. To them you are just another lowlife scumbag.

  4. MikeR says:

    I just got a call from Miracle Horizon. What a scam! They claimed I owed Verizon wireless $42 for a number that was never owned by me or my kids..They even had the last 4 of my social! I hung up on them and called Verizon. They said I was paid up, and always had been…They refered it to their fraud dept. Look out for this scam and NEVER pay a collection agency until you do ALL your homework.

  5. sarah P says:

    First of all Miracle Horizon is probably not the same company as Miracle Financial and you shouldn’t pay a bill if you do not check the validity of the company. With the said, it sounds to me like you guys have issues with verizon, and Miracle Financial is doing what they were hired to do, and collecting debt. This may not be the most desirable position but cell phones can be considered a luxury item, and many people get these smart PDA phones without a steady income to pay for them. Bottom line, don’t sign on for things you can’t afford, and if you think you are all paid up check with the company, but don’t take it out on the company actually doing their job. I think you all can understand the importance of doing ones job, and making sure the economy is in check.

  6. Jonny Stu. says:

    i knew i had a bill over in collection. i was unemployeed and needed to spend money on important things i.e. food + shelter. these people( Miracle Finacial ) began calling. thought it was a scam but talked to vzn. they send their unpaid accounts to them they said. paid it and my credit history was adjusted. took 2 weeks tho. my credits’ still garbage from other debts. damn student loans….

    i was weiry too but turns out to be legit. things are so sketchy now, but this turned out ok. one less unpaid bill….

  7. Leslie says:

    I had been getting calls from Miracle Financial but the debt was not for me or the number I have had for the past 13 years. I informed them I was not who they were looking for but I still get calls. The people are polite and the calls are not early in the morning or late at night but I still can’t seem to make the calls stop no matter what I say. According to Verizon I am all paid up so why are they still calling me?

  8. Karen says:

    I just got a letter from this Miracle Financial Inc. After I promptly called them to dispute the claim, the lady basically called me a liar and that I need to pay the 200 bucks anyway. What do I do? I don’t have 200 bucks to pay a bill I never got.

  9. Cheryl says:

    To all that matter… i work collections, after about 3 months Verizon will take the account back from this collection agency and try to work it another way. I don’t dispute that I owe Verizon $379, but I’ll be damned if I pay for disconnect fees and late charges that I don’t owe, after suspending the account. The agreement was suspension cost only $9.99 per month, per line. Not an additional $475. Therefore, keep chasing me, my new phone isn’t in my name, guess you’ll have to take it another way…. hahaha

  10. Nicole says:

    I closed my verizon account and had to pay over $300 and since I didn’t they sent my bill to piece of shit miracle financial. They do not call me alot but when I call them to make payment arrangements the lady is a bitch. I asked to talk to someone else and after 5 times of gettin her and bitching she sent me to talk to a guy, big asshole. I hung up on them and do not plan on calling them back anytime soon..guess they need to wait for my money.

  11. Maggie says:

    I HATE THAT LADY Lisa she is stupid and ignorant all I asked was for a letter showing that the account was paid and she was stupid about it she said that the letter comes from another agency that prints their letters. I demanded that they sent me a letter by fax and they refuse.

  12. tyra says:

    i am with u maggie,that,i will be nice,over at that company is very very ignorant she needs to go back and take a class on how to be more classy because not only do she not no how to talk to people she sounds stupid….i would not wont her representing my company at all,just because we owe a bill that dnt mean she can taik to u like trash……

  13. Lance says:

    My wife received an extremely rude phone call from Miracle Financial last week. They claimed back in 2006 I incurred a debt with Verizon Wireless for $118. The debt actually happened back in 2005 but the kicker to this is that I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy and that debt was discharged in June of 2005. It is against the law for a company to try and collect a debt, or take any other action, with a person who has had a debt discharged in a Federal Court. According to the law, the company trying to collect on a debt that was discharge via chapter 7 bankruptcy, they can be penalized. So anybody out there with a similar situation, beware. Do not give in to the scum sucking Miracle Financial trying to collect on a debt that cannot be collected legally.

  14. Robin says:

    WHOA…just got a preditor phone call from this man who asked for my 4 digit social up front.?? I told him I didn’t recognize his CO’s name and asked him what he wanted..all he would say was….I need your 4 digit social…wow….I asked what this was in regard to and he asked if I got a letter from them yet…I said no and he said I better comply when I do???? Then he hung up……wow
    So I guess now they will do the calling every hour on the hour, seven days a week…..bit….Guess what guys…..if I had a job I would pay you, since I got laid off…..there is nothing so why bother me with all the harrassment ?????? I hate the 3 credit reporting NATZI agency’s who now own our citizens….who put them in charge? Why doesn’t anyone reform them? It’s a joke….

  15. Adrienne says:

    Yeah I’m on a personal crusade to bring down crappy Verizon. Every time I see one of their commercials I growl at the television screen. But pretty much they lied to me about the cost of their wireless broadband service (The store clerk said it was $20 dollars a month when it was $70) and charged me $288.40 for canceling my service agreement with them. I tried to fight it with both them and my attorney general office, but neither worked. Note, Verizon claims that their contract is the receipt, which should be against the law, but apparently they can do that which shows how shady they are. Plus my receipt was not signed, but they claimed they had my signature on record. To heck with big government, its big business you can’t fight! But now I have gotten my letter for Miracle Financial and I’ll pay them in increments as I told Verizon I would do months ago. And if they don’t accept it, then hey what can I say; if you’re foolish enough not to except payment on a debt then what do you want from me? Thankfully they can’t call me to yell at me I don’t think they have a number for me. On the return envelop they have a space to leave your phone number. I guess they want to call and yell at me and blow up my phone with angry messages. Like I would really give them that privilege.

  16. Jen says:

    Does anyone have the mailing address for Miracle Financial? I keep asking for it to make payments and they refuse to give it to me to make payments. They also will not tell me how much I owe. Gotta love that….I hate verizon.

  17. Adrienne says:

    Miracle Financial, Inc.
    52 Armstrong Road
    Plymouth, MA 02360

    PHONE: (508) 746-1550
    TOLL FREE: (800) 706-5255
    FAX: (508) 746-1919

    Here is Miracle Financial, Inc. information if anyone needs it!

    P.S. Verizon still and always will suck!

  18. Diane Bushore says:

    I also am having and awful issue with Miracle Financial. My son was on my cellular policy and when he added his girlfriend to the policy I cut them loose. I called Verizon wireless and had their 2 numbers removed from my policy put it in my sons name. Un fortunatley, my ssn and name were still attached to the account. My son stopped paying on the account when verizon stopped billing them. They had been making monthly payment to Verizon and then Voila! No more bills. We even had separate account numbers. Out of the blue, I get a call from Miracle financial, demanding money. One hundred dollars more than the kids originally owed. These people at Miracle Financial are incredably rude, literally screaming at me and demeaning me over the phone. Today someone screamed at me to enjoy my bad credit and hung up on me. It is impossible to reason with them. Help! Help! Help! What do I do with this company? I tired speaking with verizon wireless staff and after 45 minutes on the phone and 2 differnt people, they simply told me the account was sold to a collection agency. Any advice anyone?

  19. Frustrated says:

    I am receiving calls from Miracle Financial trying to collect on a bill that the balance was ZERO! I have a letter from Verizon when I switched companies nearly a year ago, stating that there was no further balance, and they were “sorry to lose me as a customer”. How did they send me to a collection agency when I had no balance?!? I’m now trying to contact Verizon and forwarded them their own email stating the zero balance. We’ll see what happens. All I know is they need to get this fixed now! I’m not calling MF back for a debt I don’t owe.

  20. Someone who Cares! says:

    I thought I would write to try and help you all with some important information. I saw an ad that Miracle Financial was looking for help, so that is one of the reasons I wrote this. So let’s address that issue first – THIS IS A DEFINITE CAUTION TO ANYONE THAT IS THINKING ABOUT WORKING THERE – DON’T DO IT TO YOURSELF, YOU WILL REGRET IT – NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU NEED A JOB! I did and barely made it a few months there as I needed a job and didn’t know what I was getting myself into or I never would have worked there – EVER – no matter how much money! It is a horrible place, and the people that work there running it are horrible individuals. Most everyone there feels the same way! It is a sweatshop! Many workers don’t come back from lunch, they hate it there so much! Some may last a few weeks or months until they find something else. That is how bad it is there! They have a huge turnaround of employees!!!!! The Management people there, don’t care about anyone and they yell at you all the time, put you down, and are just mean, nasty people to both the workers and the consumers. They laugh about what they do, and call people names and insults right in front of others. Most women that work there have been in tears, and the guys are ready to punch someone all the time! Every one is always on guard as they don’t know when their turn will be for getting screamed at and verbally abused. It is absolutely the most horrible bunch of people I have ever worked for!!!!! None of them are too smart either! They try to beat you up into submission, so they look smarter than they are, and you keep your mouth closed because you need the job, and they know that! So they think they have won! Only the mean and nasty last there, the same breed of individuals that management is. The only thing I have to say to them is “What goes around, comes around”! And I hope Verizon Wireless reads this, as they should know what kind of people they hire to deal with their consumers. VW should also know that because of the way Miracle Financial is handling consumers, people are growing to hate Verizon Wireless which isn’t good for business! An upset, mad person will tell many people about how bad a company is. But Miracle Financial only cares about getting as much money as they can from the consumer. They don’t care what they have to do to get it, what they say to you, or what they have to promise you, and the Owner is the same way! He doesn’t care about anyone either – only the money! There are laws out there to protect people – check your rights if they are harrassing you! So – my suggestion to anyone that is thinking of going to work there – DON’T – IT WILL BE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOU LIFE!!!!!! And those of you that have problems with Miracle Financial – work your bill out with Verizon Wireless as they may work with you as they want the money too. Just keep calling – ask for the Manager and keep going up the ladder until you get results and take the time to complain to the Better Business Bureau. If you resolve the issue with Verizon Wireless, they will then notify Miracle Financial that it is taken care of, and then Miracle Financial won’t get a dime! And no matter what Miracle Financial says to you – you can pay your bill to Verizon Wireless(sometimes they will even take some off the bill if you pay it off – ASK). Miracle Financial doesn’t want you to know this or do this because then they don’t get their money from Verizon Wireless and won’t get their fees from you that they charge you. So they bully you, insult you, keep calling you at any number they can find for you, figuring they will break you down so that you will pay, and won’t have to deal with them anymore. So try Verizon Wireless to straighten out any problems first. They want you as a customer. Just ask and keep asking. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! You will get further with Verizon Wireless than you ever will with Miracle Financial. Another thing for those of you who have no money and are really in trouble and your credit is already ruined or you don’t care about your credit – let your overdue bill go through three different collection agencies(each agency only has an account from Verizon Wireless for a short amount of time), and then on the fourth one, you may be able to settle it for 50% to 75% off what is owed. And as far as those annoying calls from the computer and the people that work there at Miracle Financial – all you have to do is tell them when you get a person on the phone, “do not call me anymore at any number, and do not call my work or any family members”. You can also put it in writing to them (keep a copy and send it Certified for a receipt). By law, they have to stop the calls, or you can take them to court and sue them. Then they will just send letters that you can file where you want to! No one has the right to treat people (anyone) the way they do! We all deserve respect even if we can’t pay our bills! I hope this information helps you all! And remember – always keep a copy of payments and bills so you have proof of what you pay and that way you have your information to go to battle with, and always do things in writing, and send them certified from the Post Office, so you have a signature that they received it. Emails are not the best way to handle things. Best wishes to you all! Stand your ground and fight back! You have rights – USE THEM!!!!!! And keep your cool and don’t let these monsters win! They love it when they upset you and win! These are my opions only.
    Happy Holidays! From Someone who Cares!

  21. Christi says:

    I just received a call from Miracle Financial last night claiming that my acct. with Verizon was placed in collections last Nov. for a charge that occured in June of last year. I signed up for Verizon in June of last year and the amount that Miracle Financial said I owed just happened to be for the same amount I paid on that day. So I called Verizon and talked to “Tibby” and she stated she had never heard of Miracle Financial and that is not a company they use for debt collections. I told her that they had my account number, full social securtiy number, my teenage daughters cell phone number and the address of the last three places I lived (going back about 20 yrs). She claimed she had no idea how they got that number and she didn’t see where my active account has been placed in collections. I then asked her what I should do when they call back and she told me to hang up on them. Well great thats a lot of help.

  22. Allen says:

    We moved to an area that was not in the coverage area for Verizon about 3.5 years ago. We still had a little time on our contract but due to lwas governing cell phone providers they had to release me due to thier lack of coverage area. My final bill was suppose to be about $71 dollars, but was instead $245 dollars and they said this was due to terminating early. I explained that when I called to terminate due to lack of coverage, they did admit that they had no towers or coverage for the area and would close the account with no termination fee. They lied!!! I have been getting these calls for 3 years now and I kinda enjoy telling them that they will never get the money no matter how many times they call. They really don’t seem to understand who they are messing with. I have been know to do really bad things to those who cross me! Wonder how much a new tower would set them back?

  23. Lily says:

    I had problems with Verizon, couldn’t wait for my contract to be over, paid it off, and now MIracle tells me I owe 200 or something. I’ve tried to call Verizon but keep getting told there’s noone that can help me except during certain hours. EVERYONE, but especially Miracle, has been surreal and awful. The Miracle people first called me and asked my name and social security number! I refused to give it out and asked them what it was in reference to, and they said they couldn’t say unless I verified my ss number. I said I did not give it out to strangers on the phone, and they hung up on me.

    Go to the Federal Trade Commission in Washington D.C (website), . Explain the problem. They will give you a referenence number for your case. Ask them for the number of the Office of the Controller in Washingto D.C. and lodge complaint there- give them the reference number from Frederal Trade Comission. File a complaint wth the BBB in the State you live in. Make sure you let them know you lodged a complaint with D.C. and give them the refernce number. THEN write a complaint to Verizon and Miracle.

  24. Cat says:

    I have sat here and called Verizon, Miracle and every other debt collector that had my so-called bill. They all refer me back to Miracle. I have called 3 numbers for Miracle Financial Inc and they say hold for a representative and then the phone hangs up after 2 minutes. I finally can pay my bill, which I disputed to no avail, and now I can’t get anyone to take my payment. Thank God I am not with Verizon anymore. So I will keep my money until someone calls me about the bill.

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