
Antibiotics: acquired. Temperature: 101.5°. Dr. Akhigbe: a good man, and thorough.

Actually, Dr. A was great. We talked about politics, he tested me for diabetes (for some reason) and he explained various interesting medical tidbits. And, of course, he did all of this on a Saturday. What a nice guy.

The first two pills of my Z-pack are coursing through my veins as I type this, and I’ve got high hopes that I’ll feel non-terrible tomorrow. Trenchant thoughts on net neutrality will hopefully commence then.

One Response to “success”

  1. George says:

    Hope your recovery is quick and complete. Z-pack did wonders for me last year.
    As for trenchant thoughts on net neutrality, here is an alternative solution to the whole net neutrality problem Web 3.0?

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