nabopoll is terrible software; don't use it


This is the second goddamn time, earning it the coveted title of the worst PHP software I've encountered that isn't also a Wordpress plugin. Enough already; it's gone. JP recently pointed me toward the decidedly more reputable-seeming PHPSurveyor this week, so I guess I'll be working on a DCist template for that.

Fortunately the jerk in question didn't do a very thorough job of trashing my site: he just killed the files in directories off the top level (sparing my blog, inexplicably) and put up some triumphal pages expressing his disapproval of US/Israeli foreign policy. Even more fortunately, my host has a backup from the 15th that they're pulling for me for $15. For those of you using the full text RSS script, sorry — it was one of the victims. A new & improved version will be available soon at a different location anyway, though, so just sit tight for now.

And hey, you know the saying: God doesn't close a metasploit session without opening an interesting LUG thread. So I've got big things planned: a nightly backup to my own RAIDed SVN repository that in turn backs itself up to Amazon S3. It'll be great.


Your key role in framing our nation's failed policies in the Middle-East is well-documented.

I'm glad someone's finally got the guts to say it to your face.


Is there a way to interrogate Tom's "manifest destiny" program without being accused of anti-Tomism? No, I suspect there isn't.


I keep telling you people: we need that oil to power our servers


$15!? Seems to me that kind of service should be free-ish.


Eh, not for the dirt-cheap prices that Hasweb charges. Besides, pulling a backup is a pain. An up-to-date backup of your system is reasonable to expect; asking them to pull a specific date, not as much.

Anyway, I've not got a nightly perl script that handles it for me. I still need to back up my SVN repository to S3 -- my Linux machine doesn't relay mail properly, so if my RAID array failed I wouldn't necessarily know about it until it was too late -- but for now it's fine.


Well.. I have been using PHPSurveyor for a long time.. Go for it!


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