is everyone still sick of photomosaics?

No? Good:

DC Flag Photomosaic

The source images are the 22,000some photos tagged with
“dcist” on Flickr. I was getting ready to do this with metapixel and a custom script, but today (via TUAW) I stumbled over the horribly-named MacOSaiX, which did exactly what I wanted. Neat.

All of this is occasioned by my Q+!U DC flag t-shirt getting worn-out enough to cross over into the “gymwear” category. Well, that and this video:

A new flag-themed t-shirt is in order, and doing something with Spreadshirt seems like a good idea. So I whipped up a couple of illustrator files — if you want them, here you go. I’ve certainly found myself wanting a high-quality vector version of the flag before. But then, I may have to come up with more graphics for DCist than the average internet user…

I was thinking of redoing the flag in ASCII but, like my last project along these lines, the early returns are a little underwhelming:

DC Flag in ASCII

On the other hand, this music video makes me think that the idea is sound — it’s just my execution that’s off. Check it out, the ASCII starts about halfway through and is pretty neat.

One Response to “is everyone still sick of photomosaics?”

  1. Nice!
    I love the mural or whatever its called. Nice work.

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