This is not an original observation by any means, but holy hell are Megan’s commenters a bunch of assholes. Faced with their host’s ecopostasy, they’re stamping their feet and fuming. Predictable, sure, but this is some really high-quality stuff: you only have to go two comments in before someone asserts that hedoesn’t see why he should alter his driving habits just because it might save an Indian child from drowning. No, sir, I say that it is asking me to change my behavior in any way which is the immoral act! By God, I will not abide that! Good day to you, sir!
Ah, to live your life by such strict adherence to principle — and in a roomy and rugged American car, to boot! Twin luxuries that I’ll probably never know.
Roomy, I’ll grant you. Rugged, not so much.