I’ve got reservations

Jones' candy corn sodaThanks to the generosity of my coworker Matt, I enjoyed/tolerated a can of Jones’ Candy Corn Soda at lunch today. My report: it tastes like candy corn. Sort of. Also like root beer, sort of. And honey-sort-of. But mostly, it tastes like [CLOYINGLY SWEET INDUSTRIAL BYPRODUCT].

Not recommended unless you are a soda company executive hoping for free press attention near a holiday.

2 Responses to “I’ve got reservations”

  1. Matt says:

    I’m compiling a roundup of pumpkin-flavored food & drink and this is getting an honorable mention. It’s a 2/3 size can and it was still hard to finish. I thought it tasted kind of like Mountain Dew if they removed all of the citric flavors. Lots of Yellow 5 though!

  2. Tom says:

    Yeah, it was definitely a sickening neon yellow. Very, very weird. But thanks for bringing it in. It’s gotten me curious about their thanksgiving flavors (although I’m not sure I’m curious enough to ingest any of them).

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