entropy: pro and con

  • PRO: Towels are self-drying.
  • CON: Dust accumulates on surfaces regardless of the moral culpability of the surface’s owner. This is typically the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the phrase “cosmic injustice”.
  • PRO: The tendency of energy to seek less-ordered states allows physical work to exist in the universe, which can can be harnessed by order-increasing processes, including those that form the basis of life.
  • CON: Videogame controller cords frequently become tangled.
  • PRO/CON: Bags of candy (e.g. Skittles) are self-mixing. However, this is somewhat offset by the resulting necessity of M&M sorting, which significantly drives up the per-unit cost of rock & roll.
  • PRO: Ice makes drinks colder.
  • CON: The inevitable heat death of the universe. This sounds like it will be a drag.

VERDICT: Mixed. Entropy allows life to exist, but also means that life will consist largely of tidying up. It’s unclear whether this is a net positive or negative.

2 Responses to “entropy: pro and con”

  1. jeff says:

    Your scorecard looks pretty even, but thankfully the Power of Technology has made video game controller cords a thing of the past. So take that, entropy! We haven’t struck such mighty a blow since Newton invented gravity.

  2. son1 says:

    I always loved the Seth Lloyd quote in this list:

    … and death, at the very least, opens up tenured faculty positions.

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