do as the man says, Nintendo

This is very, very neat, and I’m desperate to see it show up in, say, a new version of Time Crisis. Be sure to watch until at least 2:45.

The man behind it, a Carnegie Mellon doctoral student named Johnny Lee, has a number of other awesome Wiimote-related projects and has been getting attention from Hackaday and MAKE as a result. All his stuff is open-sourced, too — Windows-based, unfortunately, but it looks to me like the Wiimote is doing most of the heavy lifting in these applications (although Lee’s demo apps are certainly plenty polished-looking).

2 Responses to “do as the man says, Nintendo”

  1. Mike says:

    That is so totally cool. Why the hell has it taken so long for someone to think of that?
    I wonder if you could come up with something similar using colored dots on your glasses and a MacBook screen camera…

  2. Ray says:

    Very, very cool.

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