
The new television has arrived, and it’s pretty cool. I’ll try not to dwell on this piece of especially conspicuous consumption, since even my gadget-addled brain is still dimly aware that doing so is kind of tacky.

I will note, though, that it’s already making me considerably dumb (UPDATE: -er! dumber! See what I mean?) . Last night I found myself watching an unusually stupid episode of an unusually stupid/successful television show — CSI. This particular episode centered around a semen-wrangling-operation-gone-awry (as they inevitably must) within the glamorous world of professional bullriding. It was immediately apparent that this is the sort of show where “character development” means “having a character grow a beard”. Worst of all, I watched it after having voluntarily given up the ability to skip commercials.

And yet! It was so entrancing. The CGI bull skeleton? Magnifique! And look, you can make out the lettering on the electrical ejaculation stimulator! How could I turn away? Who was I to think I might be able to turn away?

We settled in and ate our delivery pizza without ranch sauce, but it was not for lack of trying.

One Response to “descent”

  1. "The Original" Justin M. says:

    Brand? Model?

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