machine-readable genetic grammar architecting for dummies

I’m not at all confident about which of his aliases I should be using, but I am quite sure that son1′s series of posts explaining the location of his work — right at the intersection of genetics and computer science — is pretty fascinating. I’m jealous, frankly: taking a problem and unraveling it into tasks that can be algorithmically accomplished is incredibly satisfying; I can only imagine how interesting it must be when the problem is something as complex and challenging as studying genes.

So go! Read! part 1, part 2, part 2a, part 3 and part 4.

One Response to “machine-readable genetic grammar architecting for dummies”

  1. son1 says:

    Either alias is fine, of course :-).
    I should mention, the series isn’t complete yet. There will be further updates; I took a break to stop and finish my writeup for the class I was taking this semester (and for which this formed part of my final project).

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