and in other Halloween news…

As I mentioned, work has begun — last night Becks, Ficke, Emily and I found ourselves standing in my garage, drinking beer, discussing the best way to make realistic bloody handprints (given aqueous paint and a hydrophobic surface), and finishing the process of corpsing a skeleton.

Tonight we’re going to begin moving stuff over to the house. If you’d like to participate, please shoot me an email. There are a lot of fun things to do, from engineering the fog chiller to carving pumpkins (we have at least 8 more to carve, thanks in part to a generous donation from the Ben Charitable Trust (for pumpkins)).

Also: if, for some reason, you weren’t on the evite, you almost certainly should be. My method for assembling names was comically incomplete: I typed each letter of the alphabet into GMail’s “To:” box, then took the auto-completed addresses that seemed appropriate. It’s already become clear that this led to some embarrassing omissions. If you’re one of them, I apologize. Email me (thomas.j.lee at that big email providing domain owned by Google) and we’ll set things right.

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