Mates of State

Go read Dave’s review, which is both smarter and more measured that I ever could have managed — I’m just so goddamn in the tank for this band.

In particular, Dave’s point about the new material is well-taken. After the precision pop machinery of Bring It Back, the new album left me disappointed. But live — faced with singing, emoting human beings — the relatively nuanced piano compositions of Re-arrange Us are ultimately more gratifying, if less immediately, dizzyingly dopamine-pumping1. Dave’s absolutely right when he says that this is a band that’s still getting better.

Which isn’t to say that they aren’t already really good. This was the first time I’ve managed to see MoS, and I was surprised by how closely the live arrangements matched those on their records — I’d just sort of assumed that the magic of overdubs played a big role in the albums’ appeal. Not so. Their high-register stuff doesn’t hit as reliably as it does on the records, but then you wouldn’t expect it to. In general their records seem to be a fair representation of the noises they make live.

One thing Dave said that I will quibble with: I really liked their version of “Something”. Sure, it sounded out of place in the set. But in a good way — it sounded casual. I may be wrong — maybe they’ve toiled over that cover — but the impression conveyed was that you could take pretty much any classic song, feed it into the MoS machine and have it come out harmonized and singable and keyboarded-up. It makes you think that everything they touch turns to pop (not to say the Beatles aren’t pop, but you know what I mean). It allowed me separate their sound from their songwriting, which made their musicianship seem all the more impressive.

But like I said, you shouldn’t listen to me: I’m just a hopeless fanboy.

1To be fair, the poppier numbers weren’t helped by the fact that the sound at the Cat, while perfectly good and perfectly audible, was turned down to a relatively humane level — comfortable, sure, but there really should’ve been no escape from that keyboard tone.

2 Responses to “Mates of State”

  1. Adrienne says:

    Isn’t it so sweet and ever-so-slightly sickening how well they make eye contact with each other on stage? It’s like they’re still in love with each other even though they’re married–weird.

  2. Tom says:

    Well, they weren’t making goo-goo-eyes at each other last night — or not all that much, anyway. But they did get their guitarist a piece of birthday cake and had the crowd sing to him! Say it with me now: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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