Just a heads-up to any DC area geeks who might be strolling by this blog: we’re still looking for good people to come work for the Sunlight Foundation. It’s a fun place to work, and jobs in the labs are that rarest of opportunities: a chance to use your technical skills for the good of (non-Azerothian) society. Python and Ruby people are especially welcome. Go, apply!
Is there any larger clearing-houses for these sorts of jobs? I eye opportunities hungrily when I ever so rarely come across them, but they always seem to be elsewhere and also not a particularly good fit for my skill-set.
Well, it depends how broad a net you want to cast for “these sorts of jobs”. If you mean government transparency-related jobs, then transparencyjobs.com is what you’re looking for (though relatively low traffic). For jobs with nonprofits in general, keep an eye on the job board at idealist.org. The Progressive Exchange list may also be a good spot for these things (though I’m not subscribed to it myself).