great ways to watch mediocre television

Sort-of-recommended: Harper’s Island, a CBS horror miniseries that Emily EDIT: And I! And I! began watching over the weekend. It’s not good in the traditional/objective/subjective/plausible sense, but it’s not all that bad. It’s essentially a conventional horror movie spread over a thirteen episode miniseries. That lets the action ramp up at a pleasantly leisurely pace, but the long home stretch threatens to buckle under the weight of a series of red herrings and a body count that seems to climb simply because the writers don’t know what else to do. But there are four more episodes left, so it’s too early to make any definitive judgments.

Definitely recommended: Netflix’s offering of Harper’s Island as a streamable product as the episodes air. This was a little confusing — I couldn’t figure out why the number of episodes in the series was growing (has I miscounted?), and last night Emily and I were left worrying that the first season had ended with a particularly irritating cliffhanger. Actually, though, it was just Netflix serving as the on-demand service that that Comcast denies to my Tivo-having self. And they say that a la carte TV service is impossible…

2 Responses to “great ways to watch mediocre television”

  1. Emily says:

    “That EMILY began watching”? I’m fairly certain you were heavily involved in the decision as well.

  2. Tom says:

    Sorry! I could’ve sworn that I wrote “Emily and I”. I guess I must’ve gotten distracted mid-sentence. For the record, I’m the one who cast the deciding vote in favor of beginning to watch Harper’s Island (over Wall*E and… I forget).

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