you can also write ‘yes please’ under ‘sex’

Okay, yes, Michele Bachmann refusing to participate in the census is a bit kooky. But I’m sympathetic. I started participating in the Census survey of household employment a few weeks ago (SPOILER ALERT: I still have a job). The very next day I began receiving unusually high numbers of calls from phone surveys. Pepco, private companies, and who knows how many other sample-seekers who I hung up on before identifying. It’s leveled off a bit since, but there was a pronounced effect.

I know, I know: they’re not allowed to sell my information. It’s probably just coincidence. I mean, malfeasance by the government or its agents? The very idea is ludicrous!

And yet I remain convinced by the experience. And so I understand where Michele is coming from. If they’re willing to sell my phone number, is it really so outlandish to think that the ACORN agents administering the census will be secretly sizing up respondent families’ fitness in order to facilitate the involuntary harvesting of organs (and their subsequent redistribution to welfare recipients) under the coming socialized medicine dystopia? Of course not. Stay strong, Michele.

One Response to “you can also write ‘yes please’ under ‘sex’”

  1. The irony of her comments is I think the “intricate” and “personal” questions she refers to are from the “long form” that was historically sent out to about 1 in 6 people.
    That’s the same long form that was totally eliminated for the 2010 Census. In fact, if she only answers the number of people living in her household as she says she will, the Census 2010 form will only have 9 other questions.

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