I should really have gone to bed a while ago, but I just couldn’t stand it any longer. Movable Type. Oh, Movable Type. I stood by you for so long. But Perl is a wasteland. And now, having spent a vast amount of time recompiling Apache just to export my archives, I know I made the right decision.
Besides, I’ve been feeling the blogging itch lately — Twitter ceases to satisfy — so I figured I may as well try to facilitate my dreams of writing more frequently. WordPress is just much, much nicer these days.
I apologize for how much crap is probably broken. I know the front page works all right (except for the Twitter feed), and permalinks should redirect, but that’s about it. I’ll have a closer look when I’ve got a sec, but if, in the meantime, you discover any weirdness, please do feel free to leave me a comment to that effect. Assuming the comments work.
Hey, look, they do!