Archive for March, 2009

more backlogged blogging

Small complaints that I will file here instead of on Twitter:

  • Installing MS Office 2008 seems to have affected the default line height of text on this blog when viewed in my browser. I know, you think I’m imagining it — but consider the fact that all text disappeared from the browser during the installation process (and only came back when I restarted Firefox). Weird, right?
  • Russian dressing seems to me to just be a flimsy attempt to approximate cheese while keeping reuben sandwiches kosher. This is understandable, but we shouldn’t let cultural traditions that are relevant for only a small subset of the population hold the rest of us back from scientific progression in the field of sandwiches.

    (It’s true, of course, that you can find non-kosher reubens, but I still feel that the historical burden of religion has prevented the quest for a superior reuben condiment from receiving the attention it deserves.)

oh yeah!

It’s also worth mentioning that we’ve just released a bunch of new features on Subsidyscope — check out the associated news post for specifics. There’s more interesting stuff coming later this week, including what looks to be a pretty exciting scoop — stay tuned.

things I can’t stop doing

  1. Coughing
  2. Listening to this song:

    Harlem Shakes – Winter Water

My sincere apologies to all the wonderful people in town for Drupalcon — I realize this is a unique opportunity to see a bunch of great folks who’ve gone missing from DC. I really do want to catch up with all of you. But right now I’m leaning toward staying in tonight and whimpering pathetically from underneath a blanket. Tomorrow, though, I intend to be hale, hearty & ready to be social.