Archive for September, 2013


Or not, whatever. This was a thrill for me, and my colleague Nicko was kind enough to make me a GIF, so I’m sticking the links here for posterity.


I need to add, though, that although I have worked on these issues first-hand and know a bit about them, my knowledge absolutely pales in comparison to that of my current and former colleagues Kaitlin Devine, Drew Vogel and Kevin Webb. They deserve credit for what I think is the best, deepest and most sustained work on federal spending data quality that’s been done by anybody. And none of us would know how to make that expertise relevant to the people who can fix these problems without Sunlight’s helpful, friendly and frighteningly smart policy team.

Additional not-that-flattering photos available here.

the new iphone is bad news for the quantified self movement

Ashkan tweeted that the new iPhone will have a Fitbit-style accelerometer, enabling (presumably) Fitbit-style applications:

Tell me if this is crazy:

* Software is a more competitive market than hardware.
* Standardizing accelerometer hardware (assuming Android device makers hop on board, too) will gut the market for devices like Nike Fuel, Fitbit, etc.
* There’ll be much stronger demand from consumers for data portability across services/interfaces/apps.
* All of this means thinner profit margins for fitness tracking firms.
* A smaller pie means less hype (this is the one I’m least sure about)

Maybe this isn’t bad news — it depends on your perspective and hopes for QS. More people will be using these pedometers, after all. It’s just that it’ll be clearer that they’re pedometers.